Dedicated to the performance and preservation of Traditional Jazz in Austin and Central Texas

Join ATJS:

Make your commitment now to preserve
Dixieland Concerts and Festivals in Texas!

You may either print and mail your application, or you can use your credit card to join ATJS using the online form below. Online credit card payments are secure and handled through PayPal. Your credit card information remains private and is not disclosed to ATJS.

Click here to download a membership form.

You may fill in the form on-line before printing. Complete the form, print, and mail it along with your check payable to “ATJS” to:

P.O. Box 27694
Austin, TX 78755-7694

Join online – pay through PayPal or with your credit card!

You can join online and pay through PayPal or with your credit card by clicking on the buttons below:


Student Membership ($25)
Play a musical instrument?
Know a firm that donates?
Single membership ($60)
Play a musical instrument?
Know a firm that donates?
Couple Membership ($110)
Play a musical instrument?
Know a firm that donates?
Donate $10.00
to the ATJS Educational Outreach Fund
Donate $25.00
to the ATJS Educational Outreach Fund
Donate $50.00
to the ATJS Educational Outreach Fund
Donate $100.00
to the ATJS Educational Outreach Fund
Donate the amount of your choice
to the ATJS Educational Outreach Fund