About ATJS
The Austin Traditional Jazz Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which is dedicated to the performance and preservation of traditional jazz in Central Texas. The Society was formed back in 1977 and has provided a stage for many leading national and local traditional jazz musicians. It welcomes to its events and membership anyone who enjoys this fine American art form.

The Society’s Dues are from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Dues are $50.00 per person, $25.00 per student or $90.00 per couple.
Each member is entitled to free admission to each of the Society’s six regular concerts and discounted admissions to all ATJS special events.
Membership includes:
Free admission to ATJS regular concerts
Discounted admission to ATJS special events
Discounted admission to Austin Swing Syndicate events
Discounted admission to Austin Jazz Society events
Monthly email notifications about jazz events in Central Texas
Two free regular concert passes to share with friends
Voluntary Contributions
Voluntary contributions to the Society for Educational Outreach are tax deductible. Contributions may be made through PayPal.
Credit for general admission
If you choose to join during a concert, you will be credited with the admission charge paid toward your membership dues.
ATJS Officers & Contributors
Dave Stoddard
Bill Troiano
Becky Maddox
Nancy-Jane Griffith
Dave Bedrich
Paolo Dumanacas
Kate McCarthy
Don Denzin
Martha Stoddard
Concert Manager
Jim Vence